Negotiate | Career & Life Design Center | Fort Lewis College


Evaluating and negotiating job offers

Congratulations! After all your work, you’ve received a job offer. Now it’s time to decide what you want to do next.

First figure out if this job is right for you. If you think it is, get ready to negotiate. Now would be a good time to meet with a Career Coach or drop into Career & Life Design for advice about evaluating and negotiating job offers.

Quick tips

Ask about "wiggle room".

Find out if there is space to negotiate in the first place.

Always be enthusiastic about the offer.

If the employer doesn’t think you want the job, they may be less likely to want you.

Be confident (but not arrogant).

The company has invested in interviewing candidates and does not want to start over. It's up to you to remind them of your value to the team.

Silence is ok.

While silence can make people uncomfortable, a pause in the conversation is ok. After you’ve made your request or posed a question, stop talking and wait for a response.

Be realistic.

Don’t be greedy or naïve; base your negotiation on your skills and the level of job for which you are applying.

Leave your emotions outside.

This is a business transaction. Do not let your pride, fear, uncertainty or any other emotion impact what you say or do.

Be prepared to walk away.

No matter how well you negotiate, the deal might not meet your expectations in one of the areas you know is important to you. Decide ahead of time when to say thank you and walk away.

Get the offer in writing.

Be sure you get the negotiated terms in writing before you accept the offer.


Negotiation advice