Faculty & Staff | Career & Life Design Center | Fort Lewis College

Faculty & Staff

Faculty + Career & Life Design Center = Success

Let's work together to solidify the connections for students between majors, skills, and careers.


Post jobs, work study positions, and internships to your department's employer account. 

Create an employer account

Classroom presentations

Career & Life Design Center staff can present on a multitude of career and life design skills topics in your classroom.

Schedule a presentation

Prof Talk

Faculty & staff can post emails from contacts about internships, fellowships and job opportunities outside of Handshake.

Submit a post

The Fort Lewis College Internship Program

We work closely with employers to develop high-quality experiential education, work study, and internship opportunities for students.

This program can help faculty & staff:

  • Develop internships for your students
  • Follow up on employer leads you provide us
  • Work with employers to create meaningful job descriptions
  • Advise students about the internship process
  • Maintain internship postings on Handshake
  • Facilitate departmental approval through Handshake
  • Troubleshoot internship issues between students and employers
  • Coordinate student and employer evaluations
  • Conduct employer check-ins/site visits
  • Offer workshops and class presentations on internships
  • Maintain records on current and former interns by major and semester
  • Retroactively add internship data to the Handshake system for a single, secure repository
  • Offer scholarships for undergraduate students participating in unpaid internships

Senior Exit Survey data

Spring 2022 data collected from 356 respondents of 436 total graduates.

View 2021-2022 CLDC Annual Report

of graduates completed at least one internship at FLC


of graduates completed undergraduate research during their time at FLC


of graduates had at least one on-campus job

Career & Internship EXPO

Jump-start your career